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The British Tag

Hey guys!

I hope that you've been well. Yes, I'm here today with another tag post. And yes I know I'm not British. However I have lived in Britain for the majority of my life, hence I feel like I have at least a little bit of Britishness in me. Let's get started 


1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? + How many 


I have about 4 cups of tea minimum everyday. I have a lot more if it's cold outside or if I'm sick, or if I'm having a lazy day and I don't need to keep my caffeine levels at all time high.  
I drink normal, black tea with no milk and two sugars. I think I'm committing some sort of a crime by not adding milk but I just don't like milk in my tea, it's bloody weird and gross.

2. Favourite part of your roast

I don't have roasts very often to my absolute disappointment. But when I do, they're great. My mum's roast potatoes are the bomb dot com. So they're my favourite part.

3. Favourite dunking biscuit

Hmm, I normally don't have biscuits with my tea. However I think I like chocolate digestives the most or chocolate chip cookies.Actually anything with chocolate will do.

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?

Going to the pub is quintessentially British, right? If it is, then that's the one.

5. Favourite word?

Oh, rather not say as all of my favourite British words are naughty, but if I had to choose a normal word that is PG12 it'd have to be 'Hiya'. I love how in Britan people greet one another. It sounds familiar, almost like you're friends even if you're just greeting the shop keeper. 

6. Cockney rhyme slang?

I don't really know any as I've always lived in the north of England and I've not encountered that many southerners. 

7. Favourite sweet

Hmm I'm more of a chocolate person. I love the Dairy Milk Nuts and Berries one in particular. 

8. What would your pub be called?

The Two Pigs, after my guinea pigs hahaha.

9. No.1 British person

The Queen of course. 
I also love J.K Rowiling and David Tennat.

10. Favourite shop / restaurant

As you might have gathered from my blog, I loveeeee Primark. Cheap and good is the way to go.
Unfortunatly I don't have a favourite restaurant per se, but I love going to carveries for some roast :)

11. What british song pops into your head?

Spice Girls - Wannabe

12. Marmite.

Never tried it and I never will, the thought of it makes me shiver in disgust. Yuck, no thank you.

I hope that you enjoyed this post and I'll see you in my next one

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