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ESPA Optimal Skin : ProCleanser + ProSerum

ESPA Optimal Skin ProCleanser + ESPA Optimal Skin ProSerum
ESPA Optimal Skin ProCleanser + ESPA Optimal Skin ProSerum

I was actually digging through my blog posts to look for which beauty bag I got these goodies, and here is the blogpost and it is dated back to a year ago. OMG.

So I think we can agree that I have a backlog of product to use so let's jump into it.
ESPA Optimal Skin ProCleanser
ESPA Optimal Skin ProCleanser 

This ESPA Optimal Skin Pro Cleanser comes in a 15ml bottle and it claims to be a multifunctional gel cleanser, exfoliator and mask. It is actually not a gel cleanser in the traditional sense, more of an balm cleanser which is light enough to be squeezed out of a tube. There are little jojoba spheres that dissolve as you massage it into the skin, but I don't think it is enough to then claim for it to be an exfoliator.

I have left it on longer to be used as a mask and it is nice, and tends to be how I use it (I simply leave it on for longer when I use it as a second cleanse).

ESPA Optimal Skin ProSerum
ESPA Optimal Skin ProSerum
Having chucked the box that housed these two products away, I had to go on the ESPA website to look at the ingredients of this. Although named as a serum, this is more like an oil because of the inclusion of several oils. I use it at night (after washing my face with the ESPA Optimal Skin ProCleanser and just about 2 drops is enough. I smooth it on my skin and then pat it in and it leaves my skin feeling very nourished.

Both products smell so beautiful, just like going to a spa (probably where the name comes from), and there is none of the artificial sickly smell, just beautiful and luxurious. I don't always fall in love with gifts with purchase, but this one has definitely stolen my heart!
ESPA Optimal Skin ProCleanser + ESPA Optimal Skin ProSerum
ESPA Optimal Skin ProCleanser + ESPA Optimal Skin ProSerum

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