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Styling My Home

Ages ago my parents offered me two carboys from their house, they've had them for years. I remember them from when I was little, until Father obtained a huge whisky bottle from the Naval Club he used to go to one was filled with change, the other was a bottle garden. 

The smaller of the two we've had in the house for quite a while and hold Dan's toy cars - ideal for when the smalls come to visit as they love both the cars and having to get them out of the bottle. The other was in the garage for ages, until I mentioned to Dan that we had used it as a bottle garden and he was taken with the idea. Today we, to the best of our ability put the plan into action. 

We decided it would add a bit of something to the spare bedroom, I fear it may be a broken toe if a visitor staggers around too much in the dark after a great night out.

The mouth of the bottle is too small even for my tiny lady hands so it was a delicate operation involving bamboo canes and a cut up tetrapak funnel, but we got the plants in without too much stress. The compost package says I'm to leave the plants for now and water in a few days using tepid rainwater. Looks gorgeous doesn't it. The reality is a teeny bit different

Absolutely filthy! Some kind of rag on a bendy stick is needed to clean things up a bit. But not before I've had some crumpets. 

The other bottle, as well as containing the cars, is a bunny deterrent, or at least an early warning system if they get too close to the electrical cables - we can't just use Lego all the time.

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