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On Stockpiling and Pensioners Kneeling!

Well we've just been down on hands and knees again to get a new gas meter reading as requested by British Gas.  It was like a comedy show with me holding up the lid, G kneeling on a plastic bag in the drizzle to read the (pretty illegible) meter, then swapping places to double check...lol...I hope it's correct!  At least it looks as though we are paying enough on our monthly DDs to cover the cost so far and the usage should be lighter during the coming months.

Today we had a renewal reminder for G's car insurance which has increased by over £35 since last year.  G phoned and haggled and we have saved £73 by reducing the annual mileage and by adding me on as an additional driver.  Who would have expected that? :)  This actually cancels out the increase that I had to pay on mine, which can only be good news.

Sue at A Smaller and Simpler Life has asked if anyone is stockpiling food due to the Coronavirus.  I won't be.  I will buy just a little extra: maybe some tinned and frozen veg, but I'm not going to panic.  G has bought me a bread maker so I will be able to make bread, soup and cake.  I tried making bread by hand on several occasions but I'm hopeless.  I can't knead it thoroughly enough because my hands hurt.  I've already made 2 loaves in the bread maker and they turned out very well.  I stored the leftover bread in a plastic bag after squeezing out the air and it lasted another 2 days.  It made wonderful toast too.

Are you making plans in case of shortages?

I must extend a warm welcome to Amanda, my new follower...hello!  Thanks for joining us :)

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