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Great Italian wars 24 more landsknechts

At Salute 2017 my nephew drew my attention to a couple of bags of second hand Artizan landsknechts at a great price, inevitably I bought them.
Unfortunately they were double handed swordsmen and I didn't really want blocks of doppelsoldiers.
So they hung around until at Colours 2017 I bought some Foundry landsknecht command and some more Pikemen with levelled pikes ,combined with some of the Artizan doppelsoldiers to give me enough for three bases of levelled pike with doppelsoldiers pushing forward to hack down the opposition pikes, encouraged by both the Foundry officers and some Warlord command figures I picked up in Rochester when I bought the Warlord plastic landsknechts (of which more anon,assembled and primed but others are ahead of them in the painting que). One of the Foundry officers was missing his right arm and I have replaced it with a spare plastic ECW warlord command arm, I think it works alright.

The casualty figures are Artizan too. The rest of the Artizan figures are being painted up to add to the first unit I posted on this blog,I'm going to (deep breath) rebase them,there I've said it! 
It's mainly because they just don't look dense enough four to a base so I'm going to squeeze more figures onto the bases to bring them up to the same size as all the rest of my pikemen. Also the basing didn't match all the rest of my Italian wars forces.
So maybe them next or possibly some Napoleonic cavalry.
All the best Iain

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