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Despite the damn small motherfuckers ...

I guess, myself, like all of us, after some days after the lockdown, went into their cupboards for food and other things ... I turned to my metal mountain! And shockingly to my surprise I seem to have lead without bases and bases for no miniatures ... so I decided to show what I scrambled together ...
some of my old GW bi-hander will be newly based for Renaissance 28mm into 4x4s.
then some 2p sabots will be getting green, then some dispersed Austrians will getting painted (28mm) and the rest of the 10mm French guard Voltigeurs (the white on the long sticks) will get finished, and then some "entrenched" markers (10x60mm) will be produced for my still very much alive project of Guns of August - WW1 in 6mm.

The next little projects ...
 I finalised the 10mm French Guard Chasseurs with their lovely little yellow gaiters and some command and the Guides a cheval as well as the 6mm Germans french British Belgians Netherlands Bulgarians and Greeks .... the rest of the Russians are still at Baccus.

Yesterday I ordered also something from northstar figures ... yes, definitively withdrawal syptoms ...

 Stay tuned, stay alive and take care!

Napoleons III Chasseur a Pied de la garde

Guard chasseurs again

The command of the guard corps and the Guides of the Guarde (plus command in the back)

my 6mm collection for Guns Of August 
the Centre power side

the allies so far

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