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Autumn Equinox

The Equinox...Gwyl Mabon...has crept up upon us. I think we're just too busy at the moment, for our own good.

Medals (a bronze each) have been won in a competition last weekend.
Now we are doing last minute tweaking and testing of equipment to ensure it all goes smoothly in the Masters World rack championships in Manchester...the biggest yet,with nearly 450 entries on the book (there WILL be late additions!) from 33 countries!!

We are noticing the difference in daylight between South Wales and Scotland...it has seemed strange to have half an hour less daylight in the evening.  Now the Equinox has passed, the boot will be on the other foot!

We will both be glad to return to a rural area...no streetlights, no cars racing up and down,no heavy lorries outside the window...

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