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Recycled French Pt. 4

Just a few more quick pictures of French figures that I have been recycling for use with Volley and Bayonet. I recently trawled through the plastic mountain to find French figures that I had obtained prepainted from various sources. So far I have found enough to make another four line infantry stands, four of middle guard, a stand of Cuirassiers, and a stand of Polish lancers. All very useful reinforcements.

More French!

As I write this post, I am discovering that Blogger does have a limit on the number of images it will let you upload, and that it stores images that have been uploaded but not posted as part of that storage limit. I have been very busy deleting fuzzy photos....

Esci Cuirassiers. Multiple packs were used to obtain this mix of pose.
This particular batch of heavy cavalry was obtained from a friend a number of years go. These were the ones that required the least touching up before receiving a brown wash, static grass on the base, and a nice matt varnish.

The Esci Polish Lancers are figures I had painted by the older sister of a friend in around 1990. The uniform details are somewhat erroneous, but the figures have the virtue of being painted, and requiring very little refurbishment.

The oldest cavalry I own... Esci Polish Lancers.
So my French forces are growing in leaps and bounds... and their rapid expansion seems to have sparked a  increase in the Napoleonic forces of Steve and Frank!

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