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The Smoke Mountain Region

Misty Vale (maps coming):
The Misty Vale is a small valley in the middle of the Smoke Mountains (see outdoor map 1). The valley floor is covered in a thin fog day and night. Visibility is at half normal. The vegetation is dense and tangled. Ruins dot the landscape hinting that this valley had an ancient purpose, but the details of it's former inhabitants are not known.

1. The Lair of the Grey Mist
a.This room is empty, but when the characters enter the room the door disappears behind them - leaving simply solid rock. There is no way out but to press on ahead. In the southeast corner is a deep shaft, about 2' in diameter. It drops over 70' to water (a pool cave, about 40' in diameter, fed by underwater streams that flow through inches wide cracks in the stone). At the bottom of the pool is a small humanoid skeleton, a silver dagger and scattered about are 43 gp.
b. Priest's Quareters - these rooms once housed the priests of the Grey Mist. Now, the rooms are in shambles with rotting furniture and crumbling walls. Searching the rubble of these rooms will net the following items: a Grey Mist Holy Symbol (silver, 10 gpv, a total of 2), Small candle holder (3 total, 2gpv each), a small ruby (25 gp, only one), Mace +1 (only one). Each turn searching turns up one item, but also has a 50% chance of upsetting a nest of giant centepedes (4-24 each nest, 2 hp each). There are a total of 300 giant centepedes in these rooms.
c. The Treasury: here can be found the treasures removed from victims of the Grey Mist. 3-30 pp, 10-100 gp, 40-240 sp, (3) arrows +1, potion of heroism, bits of armor, a normal shield, broken helm. The treasury is "guarded" by the spirits of vicitms of Grey Mist - 11 Grey Ghosts (new monster) AC:5, HD 3, hp 10(x4), 11 (x5) 14 (x2), #Att 1 touch, Dam Charm, Al N. The Grey Ghosts are misty apparitions, the spiritual remains of the victims of the Grey Mist. They attack by touch which Charms victims to go to the Chamber of the Grey Mist (save vs. charm or begin to walk in a trance toward the Chamber of the Grey Mist). Grey Mists surprise 4 in 6 unless very bright light is brought into the room (as strong as daylight). Spells and blunt weapons do full damage, edged weapons do half damage. Non-magical, non-silver weapons do no damage. Grey Ghosts will not leave this chamber.
d. The Chamber of the Grey Mist
As the PCs enter this room, the room fills with Grey Mist. This creature is an unhittable mass of vapor. It has no AC, HD, hp, etc. It is Chaotic Neutral (very capricious) and feeds on the life energy of those it attacks. The vapor can fill the room that it's in, so it "hits" automatically each round. Any creature hit (and it can "attack" multiple targets at the same time) must save vs. paralyzation or fall unconscious for 1-10 rounds. Each round the Grey Mist drains 1-4 hit points. As the Grey Mist draws in energy, the flames in the Brazier of the Eternal Flame (see below) grow brighter and higher. When a victim dies, the flames dance to the ceiling. The only way to destroy the Grey Mist is to extinguish the Eternal Flame
e. The Eternal Flame
This brazier burns with a bright blue flame. As the Grey Mist feeds on its victims, the flame grows taller and more purple. The flame can only be extinguished with holy water - water blessed by a good cleric should be sufficient, as long as it is more than a single waterskin's worth poured on it at once. If the flame dies, the Grey Mist disipates, though the effects of the Mist do not (that is, drained characters remain drained).
f. Long Tunnel
This tunnel leads to a hidden exit from the dungeon of the Grey Mist, about half mile away. Within the tunnel are random nests of Giant Centipedes.

I found a file from high school - about 15 pages of notes and about 20 pages of maps - Smoke Mountain Region.

First area: Misty Vale (ugh)

The Lair of the Mist Lambore
What the heck is a "Lambore"? Heh - I didn't know what a Barrow or a Wight was when I read The Lord of the Rings, so I created monsters with wierd names - the first used the Barrow Wight cadence (Sallow Halaigh) without understanding any meaning. SO - I need to change this to...

The Mist of Death -
This creature is an unhittable mass of vapor. It has no AC, HD, hp, etc. It is Chaotic Neutral (very capricious) and feeds on the life energy of those it attacks. The vapor can fill the room that it's in, so it "hits" automatically each round. Any creature hit (and it can "attack" multiple targets at the same time) must save vs. paralyzation or fall unconscious for 1-10 rounds. Each round the Mist of Death drains 1-4 hit points. As the Mist of Death draws in energy, the flames in the Brazier of the Eternal Flame (see below) grow brighter and higher. When a victim dies, the flames dance to the ceiling. The only way to destroy the Mist of Death is to extinguish the Eternal Flame. (note, originally I had the mist creature deliver a touch of save ...at -2!!... or die... I'm pretty sure I aimed this at very high level characters, but still...)

The Eternal Flame -

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