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I'm Carrying Old Year Resolutions Into The New Year and That's Fine


I'm so glad that we made it into the new year. There's a lot to share and I am so excited.

While you are already making your first steps toward keeping your New Year's Resolutions, you should consider reading this post I made last year about 5 New Year's Resolutions Worth Sticking To. It is a list of evergreen resolutions you should consider taking every new year. Click here to read.

I noticed that some people are resolution oriented while others are theme-oriented this new year. There are still a lot of people who make resolutions but more people are choosing to go with themes now.
I personally think this is because resolutions come with a lot of pressure and people are trying to cut out the extra pressure from their lives by choosing themes that take tiny actions put together to achieve.

For example, some people may just want to level up their lives this year 2019. That's a good theme. Or they may just want to live a more fulfilled life this year. That's also another great theme for the new year. I did a post on 10 Best New Year Themes To Adopt  This New Year which you can check out to see more examples of themes you can choose to make your year more meaningful.

new year quotes, 2019, resolutions, themes

I'm not making new goals or resolutions this new year because I am still working on those I made one year ago. Somethings are just not achievable in one year - I realized. Some goals are long-term - one year is a long time but some things take longer than one year to be realized.

So I am not blaming myself for not achieving the things I didn't achieve last year nor will I let myself feel like a failure. I am simply moving on by still working towards achieving those goals I made one year ago.

But I have a theme which is to keep levelling up in everything and aspect of my life. I started the level up journey last year and I'm going on with it this year. I levelled up a lot of things about myself last year and this year I am extending the level up theme to this year by sharing my tips right here on my blog so stay tuned by subscribing in order not to miss any post.

My advice to you this year is to continue working on your goals or resolutions which you made last year as long as they are still useful to you. If you want a fresh start without pressure then choose a theme that works for you and make the necessary efforts to make it work. Remember that only the numbers have changed, every other thing in your life is still the same so you have to continue working hard to change your life to what you want it to be.

Wishing you a Happy New Year once more.

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