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Errrm A letter from Saj

 So Sajid  has sent other half a letter , pages of it because hes a clinically vulnerable . Incase your wondering Saj is our latest Health Minister . The replacement for Fondling Hancock , who isnt a hard act to follow . It would seem that any form of shielding has been abolished and you wont be asked to do it again . Now its all down to you !  Bless hes not to go near anyone whos not had the vaccine , all family and friends should take a lateral flow test before visiting him , all visitors must wear a mask and he musnt go into crowded spaces and social distance at all times .  OK fair enough . 

Then we get a whole lecture on mental health , we apparently have a lets talk loneliness web site , theres also Hub of Hope for serious matters you tap in your postcode and then you need to download an app. Your local council may be able to help ?  not ours . theres a whole list of online stuff .  But not everyone has online access and when youve got mental health problems its  government by iphone yet again . The biggest giggle is that you must ask your Consultant at your next regular appointment about having your booster jab , who the hell is managing to get a regular appointment with a Consultant unless you pay ?

There will also be no priority access to online grocery deliveries .

So from an our family perspective how does this work out . Well other half only has contact with the unvaccinated . Vaccination is wonderful but with an auto immune condition and the chance of seeing a doctor to discuss this nonexistant errrrr.  Son has had severe mental health problems the last year his ocd and agrophobia have worsened to the point of life limiting he has been out 3 times in 2 years and its a struggle to get him to even go into the garden , he needs help there is none in this area .  i always wear a mask when going anywhere and gloves despite the comments and will continue to do so . As for the priority access to anything well we never saw any of it because my partner was missed off the list much as my mother was .  So we went out once a fortnight for groceries and medication and other halfs endless hospital trips on top , stalked by the neighbour with a notebook and the threat of the police .

Meanwhile the Covid rates go ever up, the death rates are still quite high but its just the elderly and disabled so it doesnt matter unless they are your elderly and disabled ! Most of the dying have been vaccinated . So here in Plague Island the government motto seems to be carry on regardless , then jump on a plane and spread it everywhere ...Thanks Saj 

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