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4th Sunday Surprise: March Madness

And I'm not talking about:

No I'm referring to the craziness of the month of March. Though hectic I enjoyed every minute, expect for the cold and sore throat two weeks ago--NOT cool.

The month kicked off with Kristina McMorris book signing event at Barnes and Noble. Which was super awesome! I love this girl and her books.

Shortly thereafter my favorite author came to Powell's and of course I had to go see her, because she is one of the coolest people I've ever had the privilege of meeting. Anytime I've emailed Kim Harrison (aka Dawn Cook) a question about writing or whatever, she's always been so gracious and replied. Not only is she a fabulous person, she writes a killer series. If you haven't checked out The Hollows Series, you are so missing out.

Then came lots of studying and juicing. (Have to feed the brain!)

I passed the final with an A! To celebrate I went to the midnight showing of the movie I've been anticipating for since November, when I picked up the first book.

11:15 sleepy, but so excited to watch this wonderful adaptation to the best YA novel I've read since Twilight. Have you guys seen it yet? What did you think?

Even though I've had a full month, it's not over yet. Next weekend I'm going to the Spring Intensive which a writer conference here in Vancouver, Washington. I'm sure I'll have lots of industry info to share with you all next week.



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