It's seems I'm bringing the horse to France this year. Summering in the south. brilliant. However. a cold clammy hand of terror strikes me down. this means, SWIMWEAR.
how can someone who lives for fashion hate swimwear with such a passion you ask? well, I haven't bought swimwear in about 4 years as I never go anywhere to swim. or be seen in a bathing suit. Also, I haven't been this thin in years either!
oh the joys of doing a masters, no sex life and no hunger pains and lots and lots of not sleeping.
but, joys upon joys.
I am now having to ponder the eternal mystery......swimsuit (or lack of it) or bikini???
retro or glam? Prints or block colors? brown thomas or primark ? hhhmmmmm. i may need help with this one!

Emilio Pucci swimwear at netaporter.com for 330
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