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Summer is ending..but beach hair doesn't have to end. The how to?

This is how to create it naturally:

Here's what you need:
1 cup of water
4 or 5 drops of the olive oil of your choosing (add honey if you like)
2 teaspoons of sea salt
Mix these ingredients together and fill up a spray bottle with the mixture
There you go! Spray this stuff on damp hair and scrunch.
The second way of doing this look so it can last: it can be done two different ways one with heat and one with out.
1: wash your hair with a conditioner
a). blow dry but not completely dry
b.) part your hair and then use a curling iron for loose curls ( use a one-inch curling iron vertically and wrap random sections around the barrel, don't use the clamp, if you get tight curls run your fingers through it so it became loose. Use a shine serum and hair wax to control frizz)
2: This is for over night waves:
a.) spritz damp hair with a texturizing spray (use natural products if possible, I mix olive oil, honey, leave-n-conditioner and sometimes avocado, I put a little perfume so it can smell good)
b.) section your randomly and make loose braids or twist in your hair, tie your hair down to sleep ( i twist my hair and put rollers at the end) 
c.) the next morning put pomade at the ends of your hair to control frizz

(The photo below is my number one signature on how I look for the summer and especially to the beach)

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