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1st lady Megan Good-Franklin who wants to be judge by her ability and not by her looks,  is one of Hollywood’s finest actresses and this month she can be found on covers of the latest issue of Upscale Magazine. Look for the new issue in which she opens up to UPSCALE Magazine about what true power is in her eyes, and how her husband, DeVon Franklin, brought love and healing into her life. 

And the gorgeous 30-year-old is determined to show people she hasn’t been typecast as the sexy girl every man wants.
Here are some excerpts from the magazine:

Meagan On being typecast: 
“There were a couple times where the director said ‘We really like you, but you’re a little bit too sexy.’ And I’m like, ‘Well, what do I need to do? Wear a turtleneck? You know, loose-fitting clothes?’ And they’re like “Nah, it’s just something that you give off.” I don’t know that I necessarily believe that. I believe that people, when they have a pre-conceived notion of who you are, and things you’ve done in the past, sometimes they forget that as an actor you’re able to shut off whatever you need to shut off, and you’re able to turn on whatever you need to turn on.”
On her love for her husband Devon Franklin:
“To me there’s nothing sexier than a man that loves the Lord. I can’t imagine anything more attractive. And then, we just get each other, we don’t judge each other. He understands me. His love has brought a lot of healing to a lot of areas that have been really painful for me. ” “Being with someone who is a preacher as well, people tend to try to sensationalize everything you do. So that’s definitely been a different experience for me…”
On what true power is: 
My definition of power is being able to move, and live, and do the things that you aspire to do and that you believe are part of your purpose to do, without letting other people’s opinions or judgements manipulate your direction, without getting discouraged when a door closes, and just kinda having a good sense of self, and knowing who you are, and being strong in your walk with God. All of that, to me, is what power is.”
In other news Meagan’s boo ordained pastor, Devon Franklin has been promoted to Senior Vice President of Production at Columbia Pictures. Here’s what Columbia President had to say about Devon:

Franklin will “develop and supervise production of commercial material geared towards the urban and faith-based markets,” the studio said Tuesday. Franklin’s assignment will see him work with several divisions at Sony Pictures, including Screen Gems and Affirm Films as well as Columbia.
“We are proud to recognize his achievements with this promotion. DeVon is positioned to capitalize on his unique skill set, experience and relationships and will further define Sony as an industry leader in telling stories for a diverse audience,” said Columbia Pictures president Doug Belgrad, to whom Franklin will report.

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