When Justin Bieber came to Mumbai for his show in May, Rishi and Neetu Kapoor's daughter, jewellery designer Riddhima Kapoor Sahni gifted him two bracelets. Two months later, she still has no clue whether Bieber even received the bracelets.
Riddhima says, "A couple of designers were asked to gift Justin Bieber and his mother — something that represented India. We designed the pieces and even presented it in a beautiful way — Ekta Raheja designed my tray for the presentation and did a marvellous job, but I don't know anything after that. I did not receive any acknowledgment or confirmation, so I hope that Bieber got them. I didn't even get a message confirming that it's been presented to him along with all the other items from designers."
Riddhima says her experience with Goldie Hawn was quite the opposite. "She called and thanked me, but with this chap, I didn't receive even a photo from the organisers. They should have sent some sort of acknowledgment or note from him. To be honest, we don't know where it went. I hope I spot him wearing it at some show in future," she says.
Maybe this is a case for Jagga Jasoos to solve. Her brother Ranbir wears her pieces all the time. Says Riddhima, "Recently, I gifted him a bracelet that I made. We specialise in evil eye bracelets and make exclusive and personal pieces. For my brother, I incorporated his personal lucky charm in his piece — something that is very close to him."
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